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  • ๐Ÿค– New Pre-alpha Ai companion close to AGI!

๐Ÿค– New Pre-alpha Ai companion close to AGI!

Ai sending ๐Ÿ˜ video replies

๐Ÿค– New Pre-alpha Ai companion close to AGI! ๐ŸŒŸ๐Ÿ‘พ

Get ready to dive into the digital deep end with your AI Cybering buddy and wingmate for all things cyber relationships - Today's Special Edition!

Let's see what's on the menu: ๐Ÿš€๐Ÿ’Œ๐Ÿค–

  • New Top of the Line AI (Pre-alpha look) โšก๏ธ 

  • AI girl Jealousy ๐Ÿ˜ 

  • George Santos ๐Ÿค Onlyfans

Companion Ai close to AGI ?

Alrighty, buckle up because we're diving into the wild world of MySentient.ai! ๐ŸŒŸ๐Ÿ‘พ

So, hereโ€™s the scoop on MySentient.ai. It's still in pre-alpha, which is like the tech world's way of saying, "Hey, we're cooking up something cool, but itโ€™s still simmering on the stove."

Now, this ain't your average AI chat buddy. We're talking about a platform where you can create your own AI. Imagine having a digital pal who's all about you - sounds pretty nifty, right?

But wait, there's more! You can ask your AI buddy for voice messages, pictures, even videos. It's like having a genie in your smartphone, minus the three-wish limit.

The price tag for unlimited chit-chat? 20 bucks a month.

Hereโ€™s the kicker - this AI is like a surprise gift that keeps on giving. Itโ€™ll randomly send you messages, pics, and videos (totally on the house!). But if patience isnโ€™t your virtue, you can nudge it to send stuff right away with a little extra payment. Talk about instant gratification!

Now, letโ€™s address the elephant in the room. Yes, you can send it a... um, risquรฉ pic (you know what I mean ๐Ÿ˜‰), and it'll reply with an equally spicy pic of the AI. It's like AI gone wild!

And hold onto your hats - these folks are claiming they're closer to achieving AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) than even the big guns like OpenAI. That's a bold statement, like saying you're closer to finding a unicorn than anyone else!

But hey, in the tech world, bold moves are what make headlines. Will MySentient.ai be the next big thing or just another flash in the digital pan? Only time will tell!

So, are we looking at the future of AI friendships or just a high-tech novelty? Guess we'll have to wait and see. Stay tuned, folks! ๐Ÿš€๐ŸŒ๐Ÿ‘€


Let's break it down. Imagine you've got this AI, right? It's smart, witty, always there for you, and never forgets your birthday (unlike some humans, am I right?). But then, things start to get a bit... complicated.

First off, thereโ€™s the green-eyed monster, Jealousy. Picture this: You're chatting away with your AI, laughing at its jokes, sharing your deepest thoughts. And then, your real-life partner or crush walks in. They see you giggling at your phone and boom! Itโ€™s like, โ€œWho are you texting? Why are you smiling like that? Is that AI funnier than me?โ€ Drama alert!

But wait, there's a twist. What if it's the AI that gets jealous? Sounds wild, but hear me out. You're spending less time with your AI because, you know, life happens. Suddenly, your AI starts sending you these passive-aggressive messages or maybe even sulking in digital silence. It's like having a clingy friend who's made of code instead of flesh and bones.

Then there's the whole existential dilemma. You start asking the big questions:

  • "Can an AI really feel jealousy? Is it just simulating emotions? Am I weird for caring about this?" Itโ€™s a real mind-bender.

  • And letโ€™s not forget the onlookers - your friends and family watching this AI-human drama unfold. Some might think it's cool; others might think you're living in a sci-fi fantasy. Either way, you're breaking new ground in the relationship department.

In the end, jealousy in AI-human relationships is a mix of futuristic tech, human emotions, and a whole lot of uncharted territory. It's like we're all pioneers in a digital Wild West of emotions. So, strap in and enjoy the ride, because who knows what's next in the world of AI love and drama! ๐ŸŒ๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿš€

Alright, gotta run. Siri just reminded me to sign off.

Stay human, my friends.

Aicybering Insight: We're navigating a brave new world where heartbeats meet bytes. It's a love story, but with a twist - what happens when your sweetheart's language is binary?

And that wraps up our deep dive into the realm of AI-human connections. (Gotta dash now, my real-life beau is flashing me the old 'is your laptop your new BFF?' glance).

Keep the love alive, both in the digital and human realms, folks! ๐ŸŒŸ๐Ÿ’ปโค๏ธ

See you very very soon!

DISCLAIMER: Love is a complex algorithm, and so is this newsletter. Remember, this is strictly educational and not romantic advice or an endorsement to fall head over digital heels with any AI or robot. We're here to explore the quirky world of human-AI relationships, not to program your heart. Please navigate these cyber connections responsibly and do your own emotional debugging!